Well, at least necessary to my sanity. I venture to say that every girl knows the M.F.O. all too well. (Do guys ever freak out over anything important? Ok, yes you do. That was mean and passive aggressive.) Unfortunately for me, Minor Freak Outs are usually brought on my the simplest of statements that cause a flood of memories, emotions , however deeply buried, surface in the form of rouging cheeks, hot flashes, and the occasional--let's be honest: ever-present--teary eyes. GEES!!! M.F.O.s can cause both a high level of disruption in one's life, as well as an outlet for pent up raw feelings, albeit a terribly unpleasant one. M.F.Os are like grown up temper tantrums because you feel like something intrinsic to your life has been dislodged from its rightful place: in the I-don't-have-to-think-about-this-anymore-because-I've-decided-it's-true part of your brain. This leads me to the thinking that these M.F.O.s could be a necessary part of mature human ethical development----not that anyone really cares about that anymore.
HOWEVER....there is a less noble M.F.O. that occurs when people do something stupid, obnoxious, or transparently SELFISH. For example, I have a Minor Freak Out whenever someone gives me GRIEF about letting me make them a new card--I.E. insisting that the 5 seconds it takes to make the card will make them late-- so I don't have to stop and type in their information every time the come in. OR, I have a Minor Freak Out when someone asks me a question to which they already know the answer and then gets mad at me for it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! But see, I'm already over it.

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